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人民网日本频道 on MSN日本一住宅区发生火灾 已致多人死伤中新网3月17日电 据日本广播协会(NHK)报道,当地时间17日上午,日本高知市一处住宅区发生火灾,导致2人死亡,1人重伤。 据报道,失火的是一栋两层钢结构住宅,居住在这栋住宅的一名96岁男性及其63岁的儿子死亡,其85岁的妻子目前处于意识不明的重伤状态。 警方和消防部门正在调查火灾的具体原因。
Japanese pubcaster NHK is launching a new daily children’s edutainment series called The Wakey Show, which will feature a ...
According to a report of the Japanese media outlet NHK on Monday, Japan and the EU will jointly hold a seminar next week for ...
The leader of a Japanese political group, Takashi Tachibana, has been slashed in an attack while campaigning in central Tokyo ...
Makoto Watanabe quit a major newspaper after it retracted a scoop. Now he runs an investigative nonprofit that does not shy ...
此前报道,此次火灾于2月26日发生。据岩手县此前统计,烧毁面积从3月1日上午的约1400公顷增加到2日上午的约1800公顷,一天内扩大了约400公顷。 截至2日下午,已在三陆町绫里小路地区发现一具男性遗体,至少84栋房屋受损,具体损失情况的确认仍需时间。多地发布避难指示,避难人数已超1200人,另有约2000人离家投靠亲友。
The fire, in a forested area of the coastal city of Ofunato, killed at least one person and prompted evacuation orders for ...
At around 5:10 p.m. local time Friday, Tachibana, the 57-year-old head of the NHK Party, was attacked by a man with a machete after giving a stump speech in front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ...
NHK's core news program wrapping up the days local and international events. News delivered via satellite from NHK Japan, in Japanese, no subtitles. Watch on SBS WorldWatch at 11pm everyday, also avai ...
NHK has lined up a brand-new daily children’s series for its spring schedule, The Wakey Show.