Nike is in a major slump. The company’s global sales dropped 9% last quarter, including a 17% drop in China, Nike said Thursday. In North America, Nike’s largest market, sales dropped 9%.
NOCTA与Nike的联名系列鞋款——Nike Air Force 1 "Pink Foam",将在3月13日正式发售,售价为¥1299。这款鞋的设计灵感来源于加拿大说唱歌手Drake童年时期心爱的绘本故事《Love You Forever》,传达出温暖的情感。这款限量版鞋在经典版型的基础上进行了精致升级,多个细节彰显了它的独特魅力。
在时尚和运动鞋领域,NOCTA与Nike的一次全新合作为爱鞋之人带来了令人振奋的消息。作为加拿大说唱歌手Drake旗下的厂牌,NOCTA专注于通过设计与情感的结合来表达独特的艺术视角。新推出的Nike Air Force 1 'Pink Foam'正是这一理念的完美体现。
The Linen is one of the greatest silhouettes that has ever graced the Nike Air Force 1. First released as a Japanese ...
Starting things off is Supreme's quartet of Air Max 1s dropping on Thursday followed by Ducks of a Feather's three Air Max 95 ...
Nike on Thursday forecast a steeper drop in fourth-quarter revenue than analysts had expected, striking a cautious tone as it ...
A Ma Maniére 同 Nike 的联名合作在今年步入了新的阶段。双方最早阶段的合作是基于 Air Jordan 3 鞋型展开,给球鞋圈留下了深刻印象,而这一次 AMM x Air Jordan 3 又要来了。这双 A Ma Maniére x ...
Sneakers are more than just footwear; they are a cultural statement. Among the most iconic sneakers in history, the Adidas ...
Following a women’s-only launch at all A Ma Maniére locations on March 22, the ‘For the Love’ collection drops exclusively ...
在球鞋与潮流文化界,联名合作早已成为推动品牌创新与市场热度的重要手段。去年,正值 A Ma Maniére 成立 10 周年之际,该品牌携手 Jordan Brand、Nike 以及 Converse 打造的「While You Were ...