作者:倾旋 PS :如果你不知道你是否需要学习这个技术,那么我可以先告诉你Nmap能够做什么: 网络结构画像 漏洞扫描 漏洞利用 端口扫描 爬虫 信息搜集.... 我的分类不是很清晰,但是对于一个渗透测试人员、运维人员、甲、乙方的工程师都会需要它的定制化 ...
This cheatsheet is built for the Red Teamers and Penetration Testers such in order to help them to hunt the vulnerabilties with "Nmap". It is designed such that the beginners can understand the ...
Network mapping uses a process to discover and visualize assets by actively probing them. Nmap sends TCP and UDP packets to a targeted machine. Zenmap is the graphical user interface of Nmap. It is a ...