This ECG 'variant ... often called 'normal variants', that can occur in perfectly normal individuals. SCD is most often due to an extremely rapid and uncoordinated cardiac rhythm disorder called ...
Sinus rhythm (a.k.a. normal sinus rhythm) refers to the normal heart beat originating from the sinoatrial node. This is manifested as an upright P wave in lead II of the ECG. Sinus bradycardia ...
The ability to identify an abnormality on the 12-lead ECG, suggestive of underlying cardiac disease associated with sudden cardiac death (SCD), is based on a sound working knowledge of the normal ECG ...
Technically, the diagnosis of an anterior myocardial infarction on an ECG has never been validated in the setting of a paced rhythm ... a shape different than a normal paced QRS morphology ...
The study found people with accelerated ECG age had lower cognitive test scores than those experiencing normal aging. Preliminary findings will be presented Wednesday at the American Stroke ...