Northern sea otters didn’t get federal safeguards along with their California cousins. So in 2000, the Center petitioned the Service to protect otters in southwest Alaska as a “distinct population ...
Sea otter numbers in the northern Pacific Ocean are thought to have ranged from around 150,000 to 300,000 up until the 18th century. But overhunting for their pelts brought the number down to ...
There are three subspecies of otters: the "California" sea otter (or southern sea otter), the northern sea otter, and the Russian sea otter. Fortunately, sea otters have been making a comeback in ...
There are three species of sea otters: Northern sea otters are found in the Pacific Ocean along the coast of Washington, Canada, and Alaska. Southern (or California) sea otters live off the ...
The Alaska SeaLife Center on Nov. 16 admitted to their Wildlife Response Program a juvenile northern sea otter with “significant” facial trauma. The male otter, estimated to be between 6 and 8 ...
They have the densest fur in the animal kingdom – a million hairs per square inch. Sea otters are the smallest marine mammals on earth. They have well rounded teeth adapted for crushing shells ...
HAMANAKA, Hokkaido--Sea otters have pupped off Cape Tofutsu here ... This suggests that their distribution may be expanding from the Northern Territories, islands off the eastern coast of Hokkaido ...