最近,Windows 11的记事本工具迎来了一场前所未有的华丽变革,成为一款更具吸引力的数字写作助手。这次更新的明星功能之一,就是备受期待的‘最近’菜单!灵感来源于画图程序的‘最近’按钮,用户可以轻松找到最近打开的.txt文件,再也不必经历翻箱倒柜的烦恼。
记事本新增基于生成式 AI 的文本摘要功能。用户只需选中文本,右键选择“Summarize”或使用快捷键 Ctrl + M,即可快速生成内容摘要。该功能支持调整摘要长度,帮助用户高效提炼信息。
You can also drag a tab out to create a new window, where each additional file opens in its own tab. If you prefer the ...
You can now open the menu in Notepad to access a new feature called "recent". This is similar to the "recent" button in Paint ...
微软近日向Windows Insider项目的Canary和Dev频道成员发出了激动人心的邀请,让他们在Windows 11的预览版中抢先体验全新的截图工具(Snipping Tool)和记事本(Notepad)应用的重大升级。这次更新不仅是功能的丰富,更是用户体验的全面提升,为广大用户带来了许多方便与快捷。
The update mainly includes a new AI-powered 'Summarize' feature for Notepad. Under its latest 11.2501.29.0 version, Notepad ...
The Notepad update introduces the ability to summarize content using generative AI. Users can select the text they want to ...
Ram Bala, associate professor of business analytics at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University, said that ...
Microsoft used to use a score to determine your PC hardware, starting with Windows Vista. The Windows Experience Index rated ...
Microsoft is testing AI-powered summaries in Notepad. In an update rolling out to Windows Insiders in the Canary and Dev ...
With recent files, you can now reopen your recently closed files directly within Notepad. To access Recent Files, open ...
However, like other Windows 11 AI features, you’ll need to be signed in with your Microsoft personal account to use the summary generator.