They feed on snails, worms, and other creatures they hoover up from the ocean floor. They are “cirrate” octopuses, a group of deep-sea octopuses that have slender protrusions trailing from ...
Picture an ocean world so deep and dark it feels like another planet – where creatures glow and life survives under crushing ...
When the crew aboard an ocean science expedition learned that an iceberg the size of Chicago had broken off from an Antarctic ...
Scientists have discovered the key role the Southern Ocean around Antarctica plays in regulating the global climate ...
Scientists have filmed a giant deep-sea spider crawling on the Southern Ocean floor, shedding more light on the diversity of ...
While camouflaged on the ocean floor off the coast of Israel in the Red Sea, octopods use their arms to grab unsuspecting prey 8 Mind-Boggling Facts About the Octopus (03:59) What Is an Aurora?
It is here that new ocean floor is continuously created. As the two sides of the mountain move away from each other, magma wells up from the Earth's interior. It then solidifies into rock as it is ...
In these waters, their mottled orange-and-white bodies, cream-colored undersides, and spiny, oval carapaces blend in with the rocks on the ocean floor. Those round shells and long legs give ...
These two facts combined—the sheer number of viruses and their intimate relationship with microbial life—suggest that viruses, too, play a critical role in the planet’s biosphere. Of all the Earth’s ...