Pointing to the lush green leaves on her orchid, Krystal said: "Avoid getting water right in those crevices." This can damage them and lead to rot, and for this reason, it's also recommended to ...
Of course, it is time for the 22nd Annual Orchid Show, and that show’s mission, Joanna L. Groarke, the garden’s vice president for exhibitions and programming, said is to deliver a “shot of ...
Those found removing Chinese spiranthes from Tainan’s Barclay Memorial Park would face heavy penalties, said the city’s ...
Don’t overfertilize, or you can damage the orchid by burning its root tips, Kondrat says. Don’t fertilize over the winter when it’s growing more slowly. Give your orchid a boost by spritzing ...
Keeping an eye on orchid roots can help you spot problems before they spread While most houseplants have thin, thread-like roots that grow under the soil, healthy orchid roots are plump ...
Each orchid variety may require different watering ... If your pet bites the flower, it could also damage your plant.