Maybe you already have? If the verb form sounds familiar, can you remember where you heard it and who was speaking? This variation is the process by which language changes. The point of this verb ...
Verbs take the dictionary form, when they are followed by MAE NI (before). Even if a sentence as a whole is in the past tense, a verb takes the dictionary form before MAE NI, though this form ...
TA-form verbs indicate action in the past or the perfective aspect. That is what we did in the past or what we have done. And if we combine TA-form verbs and KOTO GA ARIMASU, we can talk about ...
There is a misconception that all verbs in a paragraph should be in the same tense. The choice of the appropriate verb tense depends on context and meaning.
For example: I bent down to pick up a penny. The correct past tense of the verb to bend is 'bent' not 'bended'. She swam three lengths in the swimming pool. 'Swam' is the correct past tense of the ...
You need to choose a singular form of the verb to match the singular subject ... When you're using the past tense, for things that have already happened, the verbs 'was' and 'were' can be used.