Since its Endangered Species Act protection more than 20 years ago, piping plover numbers have increased — through intensive nest and predator-management programs, as well as the designation of ...
“Once you start watching them, you can’t help but care.” An adult piping plover scurries around Montrose Beach in July 2024. Piping plovers are small, sand-colored shorebirds that nest on ...
LANSING, MI – Michigan wildlife officials are picking up the tab for critical efforts in Great Lakes piping plover conservation work. For years, officials with the state Department of Natural ...
The first piping plover of the season was spotted on Higgins Beach in Scarborough last week and the endangered bird species, which can typically be found on Maine’s beaches from April through ...
(WOOD) — One of the nation’s leading experts on a critically endangered bird says potential federal spending cuts could spell doom for the Great Lakes piping plover. Francie Cuthbert ...
The Piping Plover vanished from Chicago and Cook County in 1948. Nearly extinct from the region, the bird was declared federally endangered in the 1980s. In 2019, a pair of Piping Plovers began ...