If conifer tree planting is on your late winter or early spring to-do list, there are some things you can do to improve your ...
These small conifer trees for birds provide food and refuge in all seasons. These varieties are perfect for small landscapes.
All but the very slowest growing varieties of conifers will root from cuttings. If you have a Leyland cypress or another variety of conifer hedge, you could use trimmings from hedge pruning as a ...
By looking at the growth rings within fossil wood, we can create a picture of what the climate was like when that tree was growing. Dr Paul Kenrick, one of our experts on the early evolution of life, ...
What to Plant: Garden Guy has a Heart to Heart talk on 'Blushing Bridge' caladiums You may be thinking you don’t have room for a conifer in your landscape. When you consider a height of 10 to 15 ...
Now that Christmas and New Year's is over, it is time to have a little talk about the North Pole. No, I am not referring to the home place of the Jolly St. Nick but North Pole arborvitae, Proven ...