Most of the time, the primary function of the platypus’s tail is just to store up to nearly half of the animal's body fat in ...
The platypus doesn’t fit into any particular category: it’s a mammal, but it lays eggs like a reptile. It has a duck-like bill and webbed feet, but its otter-like body ends with a tail like a ...
Despite its odd look, the platypus is perfectly adapted to its environment. It has a furry, otter-like body, a tail the same shape as a beaver's, and a mouth reminiscent of a duck's. In his 1802 book, ...
The Riversleigh Platypus looked similar to today's Platypus but was slightly larger, with a much larger bill. The Riversleigh Platypus also had large teeth, whereas today the Platypus has no teeth ...