Seeing a Shiny Pokemon is a 1 in 8192 odds or something along those lines, so seeing them in the anime is always a hype ...
The next stage of the Pokemon anime offers fans something that was not available in the original Pokemon show starring Ash.
Pikachu has a battle win rate of 89% in 538 battles, proving to be Ash's strongest Pokemon. Greninja showcases a win rate of 87% in 55 battles, transforming into Ash-Greninja to secure victories.
Ash and his friends are one of the few groups of trainers who pass the first test and prepare for battle. However they soon find out about further cloning and Mewtwo's ultimate plan for the earth.
A time skip would break a huge tradition in the Pokemon franchise, as the series’ previous protagonist Ash remained as a 10-year-old for essentially all seasons, and it’s a surprising move for ...