Team Go Rocket Grunts are recurring villains in the world of Pokémon Go. 'Villains' might be a bit strong - they’re mostly minor nuisances that either slow down gameplay or give you something ...
Poltchageist Fixed Spawn Pokemon: Yanma lvl 12, Growlithe lvl 16/59, Gurdurr lvl 25/68, Lombre lvl 20, Ekans lvl 16/59, Ekans lvl 16, Ariados lvl 22/65, Growlithe lvl 24/67, Applin lvl 23/66 ...
Shinies are found by simply trying to catch Pokémon and seeing if they display as an alternate colour in the battle and post-battle screens. Normal (left) vs Shiny (right). Credit reddit user ...
Go Tour: Unova has a set of rotating habitat spawns and bonuses across the weekend of aturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2 in Pokémon Go This is a great opportunity to fill in some of the blanks ...