When reaching for a power supply design it’s normal here in 2022 to reach for a switching design. They’re lightweight, very efficient, and often available off-the-shelf at reasonable prices.
The PC power supply has been a standard of the junk box for the last couple of decades, and will probably continue to be for the foreseeable future. A product that is often built to a very high ...
Microsoft is now complying with an EU initiative that allows the Surface Pro 11 to ship without a power supply, instead charging extra for it as an optional accessory.
9 Channel security camera power supply distribution box with individual LED output indicator and metal case by lock key to prevent unauthorized access. Wide voltage input: AC90~264Vac, meet the ...
The XTAR-Link EL8 fits the bill for travellers wanting a portable Starlink power source, but you can find better value elsewhere.
All newly adopted aircraft operated by Korean airlines are expected to be equipped with a backup power supply unit following the deadly Jeju Air crash where the aircraft lacked the system, leading to ...