Muslims pray in Mecca as Ramadan begins in Saudi Arabia Live from the Grand Mosque in Mecca where Muslims gather for prayers ...
It is a perfect time to pray to god. Muslims also believe that the spiritual rewards for this good behavior are increased during Ramadan. The fast is ended each day with a date and a meal shared ...
It comes as no surprise that the largest Eid prayer gathering takes place at Al Haram Mosque, the most revered site in Islam.
We pray to our Lord for his healing and restoration ... Another significant expression of closeness came from Makkah. Imam Yahya Pallavicini, of the Italian Islamic Religious Community (COREIS ...
All pilgrims to Makkah arrive wearing similar clothes ... This is where pilgrims usually pray for what they want and need, ...
All mosques have a qiblah wall, which is the wall of the mosque that is closest to Makkah. Worshippers face this wall when they pray so that they are praying towards the holy city of Islam.