And because much has been written about autistic children, we asked them to focus on autistic adults. As Newman puts it, “I think a great deal about what it will take to make my son independent.
Keep track of any marks or changes in coloration on your face. It's rare, but sometimes, these marks can be a sign of problems elsewhere in your body. Let's say you discover a physical change or ...
Older adults in suburban Cook County are grappling ... “The people in our area face various challenges, and they do not always know where to turn for help,” Echols said in a news release.
However, some students develop academic problems that may cause them to underachieve ... It’s important for adults to identify any contributing factors of trouble. A person’s physical health ...
"We wanted to examine how food insecurity affected older adults over time because they are also vulnerable. Results from this study revealed more reasons that preventing food insecurity is ...
High blood pressure strikes Black Americans earlier and more severely than other groups. Discover 6 strategies and ...