A full playthrough of Until Dawn's PS3 prototype shows off a first-person perspective and the use of PlayStation Move motion ...
Until Dawn was originally in the work for PS3 and used as first-person viewpoint. Check out a walkthrough of this prototype version here.
An entire playthrough of the PS3 version of Until Dawn played in first-person perspective has popped up online.
Personally, we reckon Sony made the right decision to stick with this game but retool it as a non-motion controlled narrative adventure. While we were big fans of PS Move at the time, and feel like it ...
Nintendo and Sony's failed collaboration led to the birth of Sony's original PlayStation. Ken Kutaragi's pristine Nintendo ...
A video playthrough of the first-person PS3 prototype of Until Dawn has been shared online. Until Dawn was released on ...
A new technique in detector fabrication could change high-energy physics forever. By using additive manufacturing, ...
Shown off by SIE's Sharwin Raghoebardajal, the prototype, intended purely as an internal demonstration of the technology, ...