The judge ruled Texas prison cell temperatures, which regularly exceed 90 and 100 degrees, likely violate rights against cruel and unusual punishment.
Venezuela's prison overcrowding ... attesting to the wholesale nature of the punishment meted out by members of the National Guard. In the infirmaries of several prisons, moreover, we met ...
In the late 19th century, prisons were still run along the lines of hard labour and harsh punishment ... reformed by receiving better treatment in prison. Some changes were already happening ...
Penal reforms will place more emphasis on the “recovery” of convicts instead of their “punishment” to prevent recidivism, but prison guards say their own needs are being ignored.
In 2024, the Prison Reform Trust quoted a "male prisoner" as saying: "The government policy of depriving retired prisoners of their state pension is unfair, especially to those with paid National ...
However, before 1700, prisons were more commonly just holding stations for suspects before trial or for criminals awaiting punishment ... should be managed. Many prison buildings were not purpose ...
or degrading treatment or punishment by security forces” in a 2023 report that also pointed to “harsh and life-threatening prison conditions” and “arbitrary arrest or detention” by the ...
Correction officers and inmates all deserve safety — as well as basic order — if our state prison system is going to accomplish the parallel work of punishment and rehabilitation.
ROME — The Italian government approved a draft law that for the first time introduces the legal definition of femicide in the country’s criminal law and punishes it with life imprisonment.