在当今快速发展的科技市场中,Python库的安全性愈加显得重要。最近,广泛使用的Python JSON Logger库被发现存在一个严重的漏洞,该漏洞可能会通过依赖链的缺陷,让大约4300万的用户面临潜在的远程代码执行(RCE)攻击风险。据悉,该漏洞编号为GHSA-wmxh-pxcx-9w24,CVSSv3评估严重程度评分达8.8/10,显示出这一安全问题的深度与复杂性。这一事件不仅突显了软件安全 ...
近日,广泛使用的Python JSON Logger库中披露的一个漏洞通过依赖链缺陷,暴露了约4300万个安装面临潜在远程代码执行(RCE)攻击的风险。该漏洞编号为GHSA-wmxh-pxcx-9w24,CVSS ...
The main alternative to XML is JSON. Like XML, JSON is language-independent and can be combined with C++, Java, Python and other languages. Unlike XML, JSON is simply a way to represent data ...
A JSON file is a file that keeps basic data configurations ... fixing problems relating to Windows, and Python coding.
That exercise also led me to discover that most JSON developer tools aren't worth the download, and that I probably needed to know quite a bit more Python than I do if I wanted to get anywhere.