A quince fruit looks like a pale yellow, bumpy apple, sometimes covered in soft fuzz. When ripe but uncooked, it is solid, hard to slice, and its flavor astringent, so why bother to eat quince at all?
Quince can be added to cooked apple and pear dishes or used to make quince sauce. It also makes excellent preserves, especially marmalade.
In the early days of autumn there’s still an abundance of late summer crops. If you have a tree bearing the old fashioned quinces, don’t let them go to waste — this fruit is wonderful in a ...
This tarte tatin uses quince, which comes from the same family as the apple and pear. It should not be eaten raw but has a wonderfully fragrant flavour once cooked. Place the quince, caster sugar ...
Inspired by the enormous fruit on a gnarly quince tree at the old butter factory (a very special Fleurieu location) I came home and poached quinces my favourite way, combining them with almonds in ...