近年来,随着多组学技术的发展,人们对 HCC 的分子亚型有了更深入的了解。然而,代谢作为癌症的一个重要特征,其在 HCC 中的异质性尚未完全被揭示。肝脏作为人体最大的代谢器官,代谢紊乱与肝癌的发生密切相关。糖和脂质代谢在 HCC 癌细胞的信号传导、免疫逃逸和转移中发挥着关键作用。但以往大多数关于 HCC ...
在生命的微观剧场中,RNA分子如同精准的时空指挥官 ... 发布的突破性成果“Single-molecule live-cell RNA imaging with CRISPR–Csm”。他们开发的smLiveFISH技术 ...
For the Liu Lab, necessity is truly the mother of invention. The researchers were examining how the 3D organization of the ...
Robert Singer and colleagues at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine had been using the MS2 coat protein fused to fluorescent proteins to label RNA for imaging in living cells. “But the ...
Spatial transcriptomics is a cutting-edge technique that characterizes gene expression within sections of tissue, such as ...
Biomolecular condensates are shifting blobs in our cells that organize cellular matter. They are distinct molecular ...
Genes have to be expressed in the right place, at the time, and at the right levels. Scientists wanted to know more about how ...
The two parts of the barcode ensure the tags are specific enough to detect individual types of RNA molecules. The barcodes were also designed to be easily removed, so multiple rounds of HCR can be ...
Janelia researchers developed an innovative new technique – cycleHCR -- that uses a novel DNA barcode system to track hundreds of RNA and protein molecules in single cells within thick biological ...
Researchers use high-resolution imaging to reveal the dynamic structure of biomolecular condensates, shedding light on their ...