Modern technology has made the job easier. In the 1980s they would send cattle to auction, but now internet sales allow ranchers to do business virtually. Ranchers have not been exempt from rising ...
Cattle is one of the original Five C's of ... Norman estimates he would have to sell 10 to 15 calves to purchase a new ranch truck a few decades ago. Now he guesses it would take a whole truckload ...
As the last Beefmaster bull was loaded onto the 18-wheeler at Chico Basin Ranch, tears rolled down the wind-blistered red checks of Phillips family members as they closed not only a huge part of ...
For four generations, the Robert family ranch has been in the business of raising cattle or sheep in Benton County.
Bo Hedges’ parents have lived on their ranch north of Fort St. John, B.C., for close to 50 years, running the Dead Horse Creek Cattle Company on the property where a natural spring bubbles up ...
“It felt like a big truck hit the house,” he said ... In the meantime, the ranch’s cattle are drinking from a “safety net” reservoir. Hedges said the family had not yet contacted ...
"It felt like a big truck hit the house," he said ... Hedges suspects other direct impacts on the cattle — he said his brother, Matt, who lives and works on the ranch, called the energy regulator the ...
“It felt like a big truck hit the house,” he said ... In the meantime, the ranch’s cattle are drinking from a “safety net” reservoir. Hedges said the family had not yet contacted ...