First, let’s learn 2 examples of coping skills. These skills can help with the physical components of anxiety (e.g., racing heart) as well as the cognitive component (e.g., worrying too much about the ...
Like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist or forgetting your umbrella on the one day it downpours, occasional anxiety is ...
Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that can improve your emotional regulation by reducing tension and stress. By ...
For newcomers, the winter break presents a unique educational opportunity. Working alongside seasoned members, they engage in mechanical assemblies—which include intricate tasks like engine ...
How Many Do You Master? Unlocking the secrets to swimming excellence requires both practice and an understanding of fundamental principles. For swimmers aspiring to elevate their performance while ...
Players from John Jay High School and Brandeis High School won the skills challenge in the San Antonio Sports High School All ...
relaxation training, and extensive practice in unpredictable and fluctuating circumstances all help teach kids the skills they need to regulate emotion and behavior. Parents play a significant ...
I put six relaxation techniques to the test From sheep cuddling to wild swimming, I tested various activities to see which ones really bring my stress levels down Save ...
Whether it’s cleaning, doing laundry or grocery shopping, most of us can agree that chores are just a part of life as an adult. But, what about when it comes to kids?
The Mind Spa is a space designed to help Western Michigan University students develop and practice the relaxation skills that will enhance their academic productivity and their sense of well-being.