You will learn basic repair/restoration procedures from a different era when it was actually worth repairing consumer ... when working with old radio equipment. Yes, these radios have very high ...
We have to warn you that restoring old radios can be addictive. The good news is, thanks to the Internet, you don’t have to figure it all out yourself or find a local expert who will take an ...
But his YouTube channel focuses on repairing things that most people would have long ago thrown out. He’s gotten TVs working ...
John Kenduiwa, 60, has been repairing radios for 32 years John ... “I would observe how the neighbour repaired old radios, and black and white television sets that people brought to him.
But his YouTube channel focuses on repairing things ... that were abandoned in old leaky barns, found on the side of the road, or worse. And it’s not just TVs … radios, computers from cars ...