Recently in Tokyo an AI-driven robot leaned over a man lying on his back and gently put a hand on his knee and another on a shoulder and rolled him onto his side -- a manoeuvre used to change diapers ...
AN AI-powered android nurse shows its bot-side ... It could be helping care for Japan’s aging population by 2030. Last month experts said robot housekeepers could be a reality within a decade.
If people don’t want a robot serving their coffee, they won’t have it, no matter how performant the robot is. This is why ...
She says she hasn't been able to return because she can’t find childcare — another chronic problem in Japan. Yoko, a nurse who has ... hospitals are deploying robot nurses to enter wards ...
Japan's first surgical robot was developed two years ago. As of 2022, it won approval for use in cancers of the prostate, stomach, colon and uterus. We examine how the robot is used in surgeries ...