And it was under his kingship that post-Biblical Israel really rose to its political and material heights in the early days of the Roman Empire. Herod was a successful client king, which meant ...
From viral memes to bestselling books, Hollywood blockbusters to history podcasts, the fascination with ancient Rome refuses ...
The grave robbers sacked the tomb, and didn't leave any remains of the king's mummy or sarcophagus behind, Wegner said.
The two most powerful people in the senate were the consuls. The emperor ruled over the Roman Empire, a bit like a king. Find out below about some of the emperors who influenced Britain.
The two most powerful people in the senate were the consuls. The emperor ruled over the Roman Empire, a bit like a king. Find out below about some of the emperors who influenced Britain.
The Roman empire began in 27 B.C.E. when Augustus Caesar ... In 410 A.D., the Visigoth King Alaric successfully sacked the city of Rome. Then, in 455, the city was raided by the Vandals.
More than 1,500 years after its collapse in A.D. 476, the Roman Empire has seen a resurgence in the unlikeliest of settings — social media. Online users, predominantly on the video-sharing app ...
Odoacer, a German warrior possibly of Sciri origins, becomes king of Italy, deposing the emperor on September 4. From that day, the Western Roman Empire ceases to exist. Relations between the ...
Roman worship was divided into the public and ... was always the emperor. The king of sacred things The rex sacrorum, meaning “king of sacred things” was a patrician appointed for life and ...