Stagecrafters will present A Funny Thing Happened on  the Way to the Forum, a fast-paced, side-splitting musical running at ...
The basilica was a part of the larger forum, which served in London as the political, judicial, commercial and social hub of the city. London's Roman Forum was situated on a high point and spanned ...
The basilica was part of the forum, the social, political and commercial heart of Roman London, or Londinium, as it was called, where people went to shop, mingle, seek justice and hear the latest ...
As they worked, the team uncovered a smaller rectangular room with a wide set of steps leading down to a well. Archaeologists identified it as an ancient Jewish ritual bath, known as a mikveh, dating ...
A discovery underneath the basement of an office block has been described as one of the most important pieces of Roman history unearthed in the city of London. Archaeologists have found a substantial ...
The basilica was part of Roman London's wider Forum – the big open-air centre of day-to-day life, similar to modern day Trafalgar Square. The Forum was at the heart of Roman London and is ...
The basilica was part of London’s Roman forum, or public square, and was “effectively the first town hall,” said Sophie Jackson, a director at the Museum of London Archaeology. The ...
Archaeologists from the Museum of London have discovered a well-preserved part of the ancient city of London’s first Roman basilica underneath the basement of an office block. The basilica was ...
The forum is thought to have been built from the late 70s and 80s AD. It was built on a raised platform and is around the same size as a soccer pitch. “This was a clear symbol of Roman power and ...
magistrates and political leaders made important decisions affecting Roman London and perhaps even beyond. About A.D. 100, work began to create a much larger forum around the site of the first ...
which was completed in 120 C.E., when the first forum was demolished. “The reveal of London’s first Roman basilica adds to London’s diverse and rich historical landscape,” Chris Hayward of ...
The basilica was part of the forum, the social, political and commercial heart of Roman London, where people went to shop, mingle, seek justice and hear the latest edicts from political leaders.