"Root canal therapy (RCT) is effective, but it does have some problems since you are removing significant portions of dentin, ...
A root canal is a procedure performed by a dentist or an endodontist (although they are generally more expensive when done by the latter). Underneath the enamel and dentin layers of a tooth is the ...
As enamel is harder than dentin, the outer surface wears down more ... with potential for infection of the tooth root canal. The ideal instrument for trimming is a high-speed water-cooled dental ...
Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel and the dentin layer of the tooth. Tooth sensitivity is discomfort in one or more teeth that is triggered by hot ...
The company's technology aims to minimize the necessity of root canal surgeries and tooth implants. A Memphis-based dental startup won funding at an international competition. StemDen was awarded ...