Rubber tree plants, or Ficus elastica, are attractive and low-maintenance options for indoor plant lovers. I love the tree’s vibrant and leathery leaves add a bold pop to my indoor space, and it ...
DURING the early years of rubber planting in the East considerable optimism prevailed in certain quarters as to the powers of the Para rubber-tree (Hevea brasiliensis) to resist disease in its new ...
Precise decision-making, safety and comfort are essential terms in modern day life and those would greatly be contributed by natural rubber. It decides the birth, provides a shield against deadly ...
This species is Suregada multiflora, sometimes known as the False Lime Tree due to the appearance of its unripe fruit. These ...
Connect rubber-producing countries and consuming countries through early-stage measures against rubber tree leaf fall diseases Infection of rubber leaf fall diseases has been widely spread in ...
In Singapore, 1842, Dr William Montgomerie was shown a strange latex by his gardener. This material, when placed in hot water, could be moulded to any shape you wanted, and, on cooling, would set ...