"The plane was found. <...> Everyone is alive," Lebedev ... Tundrovaya Mountain about 5:00 a.m. Moscow time (2:00 a.m. GMT), Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya) said.
SEARCH teams recovered another flight recorder yesterday from a Russian military plane that crashed in the Black Sea, killing all 92 people aboard. The first flight recorder was found on Tuesday and ...
Why and how the plane vanished is a question that may not be answered until the jetliner is found – and possibly not even then. The cockpit voice and flight data recorders are on Mearns’ list.
France, Britain suggest willingness to send troops to enforce potential peace pact in Ukraine amid uncertainty over scope of ...
David Lammy, the foreign secretary, has also said that Russia should not have any say over whether Western troops are deployed to Ukraine as peacekeepers. Thanks for following our live coverage of ...
Russia’s FSB security service said on Friday it had arrested two church figures suspected of plotting to kill a priest close to President Vladimir Putin on the orders of a Ukrainian spy agency.