Wittily reduced to the rank of ‘d-holes’ by Kate, our production manager, they are, nonetheless, the biggest threat to the sambar. Dholes are hunting dogs, but big, bad wolves they ain’t.
Witnessed a raw and breathtaking moment as Arrowhead's cubs showcased their hunting prowess. The young tigers successfully brought down a Sambar deer, reminding us of the incredible circle of life ...
Local residents, however, suspect that this “culling” operation had been an illegal episode of sport hunting because a well-known Sambar stag nicknamed “Vuvuzela” — and who was ...
Dr Brian van Wilgen is Emeritus Professor in the Centre for Invasion Biology at Stellenbosch University. He has five decades of experience in the ecology and management of alien invasive species ...
Rabies has been confirmed in the sambar deer that died at the city zoo on Sunday. A detailed examination by the State Institute for Animal Diseases, Palode, after the post-mortem examination of ...
5 Sambar Thar carcasses and two guns used for illegal hunting seized The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication on February 2, 1881, in Lahore (now in Pakistan). It was started by ...