The rapid decline of the Delta smelt is a symptom of the damage we have done. The problem now is that it is unclear how to slow, stop or even ideally reverse that damage. Some people would like the ...
On Thursday, WDFW approved dipping on Wednesday and March 22 — the last day of the season. Saturday's dipnetting is also ...
The Delta smelt is a small, three-inch-long fish native ... by water flows through the estuary since it cannot thrive when sea water makes up more than one third of the total.
“Sea lampreys killed more than 100 million pounds ... in the 1960s to gobble up the smaller creatures. The tiny shiny smelt, themselves an invasive species, also have dramatically declined ...
Since the Delta smelt, a food source for larger fish including salmon and sea bass as well as sea lions is near extinction, the government has been pumping less water out to save the fish for ...