There are 6 direct trains that run between Sealdah and Bidhan Nagar Road. The train schedules consist of 6 daily trains. These include MEMU and Mail Express trains. What is the distance between ...
Yes, there is one direct Garib Rath, Humsafar, Mail Express and Super Fast train running between Sealdah and New Karimganj. These include Garib Rath, Humsafar, Mail Express and Super Fast trains. What ...
Kolkata: Metro Railway has started inspecting the East-West Metro's upcoming Esplanade-Sealdah section to compile a status report of the stretch. Submitting the documents on the readiness of the ...
“It is an important railway project to include Bhutan in the global railway map. A railway line to Bhutan will boost its trans-border trade ... The train will run between Jalpaiguri Road and Sealdah ...
Kolkata Metro: Kolkata Metro Railway announced the suspension of ... trains run along two disjointed sections from Sector 5 to Sealdah, and Esplanade to Howrah Maidan. Due to the cave-in during ...