四川人工智能产业迎来历史性突破。2024年,四川AI产业营收首次突破千亿元大关,同比增长25%,展现出强劲的发展势头。在四川省人工智能产业链产品发布会上,'四川造'机器人和大模型产品组团亮相,展现了四川在AI领域的深厚积累和创新能力。这些成果的背后, ...
“小朋友们,你们每个人都是我们社区的规划师!”现场,院朵社区花园社区规划师朱重康向孩子们说,“未来,你们的画将出现在社区打造的巷道艺术墙上,你们和爸爸妈妈,还有到咱们社区来的叔叔阿姨们都能看到。”芳草街街道蓓蕾社区党委书记张晓静向四川在线记者介绍,让 ...
Turistas se toman fotos con flores de durazno en la ciudad de Fuxin de Mianzhu, provincia suroccidental china de Sichuan, el ...
Sichuan province is briefly called Chuan or Shu, with Chengdu as its provincial seat. Sichuan has a relatively developed economy, with its supply of grain, oilseeds, vegetables and pigs having ...
Specifically, more than 2,000 federations were founded in seven new employment groups, including those in social e-commerce, ...
Tourists take photos with peach blossoms in Fuxin Town of Mianzhu, southwest China's Sichuan Province, March 16, 2025. (Photo by Wang Ping/Xinhua) Students fly kites at a flowering canola field in ...
Dos meses después de que un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudiera el distrito de Dingri, donde se encuentra el campamento base ...
The early spring tea market in Ya'an, Sichuan is very lively, with tea farmers carrying fresh tea to sell.😋🍵#Teamarket #Teafarmer #Greentea By Lei Xuanqi, Lu Qingyu and Qiu Tong(intern)/China Youth ...