A Sikh family from Melbourne has approached the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) after a school allegedly refused to enrol their son because his turban doesn't align with the ...
A school in Melbourne's western rural–urban fringe that refused entry to a Sikh student because he was wearing a turban has maintained ... Sikhism is a small but growing minority religion ...
The SGPC condemned US officials for allegedly not allowing Sikh deportees to wear turban. Criticising the US authorities over the alleged treatment of Sikh deportees, SGPC general secretary ...
While one of about a thousand soldiers, the 22-year-old Coldstream Guards soldier stood out during the Trooping the Colour ceremony because of his headwear: a turban. The India-born Sikh became ...
Congress criticises PM Modi as "weak" after dozens of Sikhs deported from the US arrived in Amritsar bare-headed. The party shared a video juxtaposing the deportees with images of Modi and Trump ...