2025年1月28日,京东方科技集团股份有限公司(BOE)宣布其最新专利申请,涉及一种名为“硅基半导体复合基板及其制备方法与应用”的技术。这项专利旨在解决当前硅基材SOI(Silicon on Insulator)和SiOG(Silicon on Glass)在大尺寸化过程中面临的技术难题。此次创新不仅有望推动半导体材料的发展,也将引领智能设备行业迎来新的变革。
Displacing GaAs PAs is a long-term goal for Finwave, which has made progress on many fronts since Lesaicherre took charge in ...
EAST FISHKILL, N.Y., Sept. 18, 2009-- IBM has successfully developed a prototype of the semiconductor industry's smallest, densest and fastest on-chip dynamic memory device in next-generation, ...
Diraq said it has designed sample chips that will be manufactured this year by GlobalFoundries using its 22nm 22FDX Silicon-on-Insulator process technology, possibly as early as this month.