Simon Baz is another Earth Lantern, who chooses to do things a bit differently than other Green Lanterns we’ve read about. Unlike his squeaky-clean predecessors in the role of Green Lantern of ...
Justin Epps, Comics Writer During the New 52, the Green Lantern corner of the DC Universe grew a bit bigger with the ...
When it comes to DC's Green Lantern franchise, typically, two characters automatically come to mind. Fans usually think of either the "main" Green Lantern, Hal Jordan or John Stewart, though Guy ...
But one element that has some fans up in arms is the film's Green Lantern, Nathan Fillion’s Guy Gardner. Quite simply: His bowl cut is funny, and it makes him look like a dweeb. He appears to be ...
In a mysterious universe, the Green Lantern Corps, an elite defense force of peace and justice have existed for centuries. Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan acquires superhuman powers when he is ...
Power rings are a big deal in the DC Multiverse. There has been a Green Lantern of some kind around ever since almost the beginning of DC’s superhero universe, but it has changed, going from a ...
For Absolute Green Lantern, there may be an Abin Sur, Hal, John, Guy, and Jo, but there are no Green Lantern rings. There is only death and horror… and no one wants to know what's up with Hal ...
When the news broke that Goldeneye and Casino Royale director Martin Campbell would helm Green Lantern, it inspired great confidence in the DC Comics adaptation. Unfortunately, the 2011 movie was ...
When people think of DC Comics hero Green Lantern, they tend to think of one of two characters — Hal Jordan, or John Stewart. But there’s another Lantern from the planet Earth who debuted ...
Set at the Alliance School for Heroes, DC Super Powers is about a class of new students — Lightning, Flash, Plastic Man, Aquagirl, Green Lantern, and Terra — who “level up their powers under ...