I suppose the holy grail would be to bootstrap your custom CPU into a full-blown Linux system ... gcc is made to be portable as long as your architecture fits some predefined notions (for example ...
[RetroBytes] nicely presents the curious history of the SPARC processor architecture. SPARC, short for Scalable Processor Architecture, defined some of the most commercially successful RISC ...
Starting in 1994, AMD introduced its first Pentium-compatible CPU, the K5 ... could be easily ported to the new architecture. See 8088 and CPM. The 8088's simple architecture was limited to ...
2 天on MSN
Back when Qualcomm first announced the Snapdragon X Arm-based chip for PC, it made big claims about gaming prowess, including ...
Now, Intel is starting to at least think about developing a CPU architecture that just runs 64-bit apps and operating systems. The company quietly posted an update to its webpage with info ...
competition has been successfully cracked by researchers at the Catholic University if Leuven in Belgium using a simple CPU. Last month, NIST announced four candidates that will be standardised as ...