Scatec has penned a 25-year PPA with Tunisian state utility Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz for a 120MW solar ...
We are now achieving photovoltaic projects at a cost we didn’t even ... It’s easy to think solar is simple tech, but as the industry grows, the cheaper everything gets and there’s more ...
The company estimates that its projects have prevented almost ... cleaner future for all. This simple tool can help you save $10k on solar panel installation — and it's free to use first ...
With the Sherco power plant winding down its coal use, many companies see an opportunity to move into the area.
Where open land is limited, energy projects frequently involve ... Capacity estimates were derived by multiplying solar farm area and wind turbine count by a simple capacity factor.
Fitzgerald manages to convince many farmers by explaining the simple economics of leasing their land for solar power. “At the end of the day, the financial payments from these types of projects ...
"Through the move, we tend to make it simple, easy, and transparent to ... is expected to pave the way for moving forward with solar energy projects. As of now, the department has provided survey ...