If a skunk is denning under your porch, place lattice up from the ground to the deck to keep the skunk out. You might also ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) - Even with 44 days to go until spring, some animals are beginning to come back out across the Ozarks. Despite up and down temperatures, the longer daylight hours this month ...
It's skunk mating season in Kansas and that means skunks are on the move. Striped skunks are classified as furbearing animals ...
Calgary pest control companies say they're expecting an uptick of skunk-related calls now that mating season is underway. (Michael Evans/CBC - image credit) ...
Roadkill high season has started. While animals are certainly found dead on the roads all year long, the slaughter seems to step up the pace in the spring, when wild animals that have been a bit ...
Skunks are traditionally more active at dawn and dusk, but breeding season brings an expansion ... They’re just kind of skunks doing skunk things.” To avoid being sprayed, it's best to simply ...
Michigan may have more foul odors this spring amid skunk mating season. Animal control experts recommend guidance to keep the critters out of your yard or property. Foul odors in the Michigan ...
That’s right, February marks the start of the skunk breeding season. If you thought they were sleeping the winter away, skunks do not officially hibernate. They do become “slow” or dormant ...
Filmmaker Ty Brueilly returned home to Asheboro with another award, this time for his work with rap artist ethemadassassin on ...