Sleep apnea can have untold consequences even in your waking hours. The good news? The condition is treatable.
"Dry throat tissues can increase snoring, so drinking enough water throughout the day should help combat this," he recommends ...
This pillow caters to all types of sleepers ... My husband, who struggles with sleep apnea, reported the Puff to be incredibly helpful in maintaining proper alignment on his head and neck ...
A wedge pillow keeps the esophagus and stomach at a more upright angle and can be helpful in letting gravity assist with ...
“The position of your knees while sleeping affects the position of your hip, pelvis and spine. Putting a pillow between your ...
Check out our 9 best pillow picks below for potential replacements. Pillow preference can depend on sleep position, desired comfort level, and preferred fill, among other factors. That makes it ...
Is your childs snoring a sign of something more Understand the risks of sleep-disordered breathing and find expert-backed ...
What’s the secret to a good night’s sleep? It might have to do with your sleep position.If you prop your pillow up, sleeping on your back can also help to reduce congestion (although if you’re laying flat, it could actually contribute to nasal congestion and snoring). As mentioned, this ...
A special pillow or other bed device may help mild to moderate positional OSA. Positional obstructive sleep apnea is caused by lying on your back (face-up) during sleep. A special pillow or ...
A pillow over the ear may not be enough ... For partners who snore regularly, the first step is to rule out obstructive sleep apnea. This is a potentially serious condition that occurs when ...