In addition to the strange things that have been found in the deep sea, there are some strange creatures that are able to survive the darkness and intense pressure of the deepest parts of the ocean.
After an exploratory study by drilling 900 meters of ice on the Filchner-Ronne shelf, located in the southeastern Weddell Sea ... surprised when they found strange creatures clinging to it.
A newly discovered giant isopod has been named after Darth Vader of Star Wars, inspired by his iconic and distinctive helmet. The 32.5 cm-long sea bug, known as a 'supergiant' was found off the coast ...
The Cambrian sea was a very strange and alien place. Evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould described the animals that lived there in his book Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of ...
Researchers in Hawaii found four new species of sponge, a sea creature that’s important ... For a long time, sponges “were sort of relegated to a weird group that a lot of people weren ...