More information: Fei Li et al, The changes in soil organic carbon stock and quality across a subalpine forest successional series, Forest Ecosystems (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100203 ...
lower montane forest (A-1 site), upper montane forest (B-1), subalpine forest (C-1), and alpine tundra (D-1). The climate record from D-1 is now the longest, high-altitude record in North America.
This research is carried out at the University of Colorado Niwot Ridge Subalpine Forest AmeriFlux site where a 26-m tall tower is used to measure wind, temperature, water vapor, and carbon dioxide.
is only eclipsed by the still more luxuriant mixed forest of the wet west coast, with its gigantic evergreen beeches, conifers, and crimson-flowered ratas. The peculiar alpine and subalpine floras ...