The San Diego Zoo has announced that female Baird’s tapir Luna gave birth to a female calf in early June — and the baby needs a name. The prehensile-nosed calf and her mother can now be seen ...
The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland has released the first pictures of a rare Malayan tapir born at Edinburgh Zoo. The male calf, which has not yet been named, was born to mother Sayang and ...
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) welcomed a special new baby to its family in Tacoma over the weekend. A rare and endangered Malayan tapir calf was born there on Sunday, weighing an estimated ...
It’s a girl! Point Defiance Zoo recently welcomed a rare and endangered Malayan tapir calf. Her name is Ume, which means plum blossom and apricot in Japanese. The zoo says her keeper staff chose ...
A two-year-old girl and her mother are recovering in hospital after being mauled at a zoo in the Republic of Ireland on Wednesday. The toddler was attacked by a Brazilian tapir during a supervised ...