Tax lien certificates can be a safe, collateralized complement to a balanced portfolio – but only if you have time, knowledge and the ability to reinvest your money when short-term certificates ...
The lien process begins when a government body ... Texas Constitution and Statutes. "Title 1. Property Tax Code. Subtitle E. Collections and Delinquency. Chapter 34. Tax Sales and Redemption.
County officials say the parcel – a common area belonging to the Tiburon View Homeowners Association – sold at a public auction was a mistake. The purchaser offered to sell it back for ...
A Uniform Commercial Code filing—or UCC filing—is a form ... the creditor files a UCC lien that establishes its right to repossess the equipment or other assets if the borrower defaults.
Because they are imposed under Title 31, taxpayers’ foreign bank account reporting failure penalties were not subject to the Code’s procedural requirements, the Tax Court held.
The lien covers the amount of property tax due ... Thanks to another provision in the New Mexico Property Tax Code, the answer is no. The provision in question places a three-percent cap on ...
Los Angeles and Ventura counties continue to reel from the devastating firestorm that led Governor Newsom to declare a state of emergency on ...