The documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Smriti Mundhra for MTV Documentary Films, focuses on the days leading up to Ramirez's execution as he sought forgiveness from his victim’s son.
Filmed primarily in Texas, the documentary provides an in-depth study of the sport, taking us from a class for novice riders all the way to the national championship in Las Vegas. Featuring a ...
Unseen security footage from the 11-hour Colleyville synagogue hostage crisis, capturing terror and resilience, is shown for the first time in a new documentary.
Smriti Mundhra and Aaron Castro discuss the documentary "I am Ready, Warden." John Henry Ramirez was executed in Texas in 2022 after being convicted of murder in the 2004 death of 46-year-old ...
Netflix is tapping into the world of College Football. The media company announced on Wednesday that they will have a new series that will feature the 2024 season of the Southeastern Conference.