and lance-leafed thistle, is a biennial weed found in almost every state and territory in the USA, including Alaska and Hawaii. Originally native to West Asia, parts of Europe, and North Africa ...
Plus, it's prickly to the touch, so it's an invasive weed you'll want to get rid of especially if you have children and pets. Thankfully, you can eradicate thistle weeds with a simple but ...
As with many members of the Asteraceae family, it starts life as a rosette, and then bolts to form an upright flower stem. Sow thistle is an annual weed that can establish at any time of the year. It ...
Thistles were everywhere back in the day, whether Californian, nodding, or variegated. The only method available to combat it ...
“The rapidity with which the Russian thistle has spread, both in infesting new territory and in thoroughly covering that already infested, far exceeds that of any weed known in America,” Dewey ...
Scotch thistle is the most common thistle species in New Zealand with spines on both the leaf surface and margins. Scotch thistle is a biennial weed, so it depends quite heavily on the establishment ...
It can be used to reduce the weed seedbank by allowing weeds to germinate, then killing them before they set seed. This is especially effective on weeds with short dormancy periods, such as kochia, ...
Done early enough, mowing may prevent weed seed set. To be effective, mowing should be done before flowering, as many weeds can set seed very quickly after flowering, using the reserves left in the ...
Landowners in southern Rio Arriba, Santa Fe and Los Alamos counties may be eligible for financial assistance to deal with invasive or noxious weeds including scotch thistle, chicory and Russian ...