Their enmity gives way to shared curiosity, momentarily at least, when they discover a toy monkey among their missing father's possessions — wrapped in a box emblazoned with the words 'organ ...
And "The Monkey," now in theaters, doesn't disappoint, even if it never quite reaches the horror heights.
This film follows twin brothers Hal and Bill when they find a wind-up toy monkey in their house that kills people whenever they use it, creating torment for them and their loved ones. The deadly ...
I said: Sign me up. It’s also funny. You can’t take a story about a toy monkey murdering people too seriously. What I love about Oz is that he makes you touch on a truth or a sentimentality ...
Their vagabond wastrel of a father (Adam Scott, in a prologue cameo), long out of the picture, has left behind some trinkets and mementos, including one bad-intentioned toy monkey, not a cymbal ...
Neon Share The first rule of “The Monkey” is there are no steadfast rules to “The Monkey.” This is a blood-red dark comedy about a toy monkey who is evil incarnate and has the supernatural ...
Well, here comes another one. The menacing toy of “The Monkey” is right there in the title — more specifically, it’s a medium-sized circus monkey who, when wound up via a key in the back ...