The train’s speed was “excessive” The operator did not sound the horn, a federal and state regulation, before approaching the crossing The emergency brakes were not applied in a timely manner.
giving you the classic train horn sound you're after. As a bonus, you can use the train horn system's air compressor to inflate your tires. This set of horns is designed to take up very little ...
Many San Mateo residents are left with more questions than answers after a Caltrain-hosted community meeting meant to address ...
Despite the Federal Railroad Administration’s Jan. 3 reinstatement of the Lehi quiet zone, which runs from Salt Lake City to ...
Even streets that promise "no train horn" -- quiet zones that have ... UTA and Union Pacific must instruct our operators to sound horns every time we cross these areas," UTA/UP stated.
train horns are currently required by the Federal Railroad Administration to sound at volumes of 96 to 100 decibels, which is roughly equivalent to a power tool or a honking car. The aim is to be ...
A GO train passing by her retirement community home sounded its horn at 3 a.m. and then again at 5 a.m. That's because Metrolinx reinstated train whistles at the railway crossing just outside her ...
“This includes reinstating the requirement for train whistles at this crossing ... and yet they’re being punished by the sound of these horns because of bureaucracy…” ...